Homebirth Midwifery Care

Homebirth Midwifery Care


As a chiropractor and midwife, I blend preventative holistic health care with traditional midwifery knowledge and support. My care focuses on prevention and optimizing your experience while addressing complications with the least side-effects and trauma, leaving more invasive medical tools for when truly necessary.

Although medically thorough, my focus is to provide a supportive environment that encourages decreased stress and increased confidence in your ability to grow and deliver your baby.

- Dr. Joella Folk


Why choose a homebirth with a Chiropractor - Midwife?

In our modern culture, moms and babies tend to experience more difficulties in childbirth than are truly necessary. My #1 goal as a midwife and chiropractor is to lessen that negative impact.

I believe a midwife's greatest role at a birth is to observe and assist with non-invasive techniques early when needed, in order to avoid complications or invasive interventions whenever possible.

I pay close attention to labor patterns and can often address early issues with chiropractic adjustments, craniosacral bodywork, rebozo techniques or simple position changes for optimal fetal positioning. We can release tension in the body and restore normal labor progression.

As a chiropractor, I have worked with hundreds of newborns and infants.

My chiropractic expertise gives me additional advantages as a midwife in challenging births, allowing me to intervene in the most efficient and least traumatic ways possible. I am also able to address the strain on the newborn's body in the immediate postpartum period.

Since my clients and their babies are also receiving chiropractic care, I tend to see them more often in the postpartum period than is typical.

Postpartum care in my midwifery practice includes home visits the first week after birth and every 1-2 weeks following until 6 weeks postpartum. I address any challenges you may be facing, particularly nursing and newborn weight gain.

Prenatal Care

Consists of 45-75 minute appointments during which we have informed discussions regarding tests and protocols, changes in pregnancy, and any personal or health challenges affecting your health or upcoming birth. Vitals are evaluated, appropriate testing completed and holistic treatments for mild to moderate symptoms will be recommended, if desired. Visits end with a chiropractic adjustment.


In active labor, I offer as much hands-on support as desired or needed, while monitoring vitals intermittently. I bring medical equipment as well as holistic tools to address common complications that can arise during childbirth, including hemorrhage and newborn resuscitation. After birth, a newborn exam is performed, mom is sutured if necessary, and both are monitored for a minimum of two hours.

ChiroMidwife Stats

For those who start labor under my care:

  • 90% VBAC success rate
  • 6.3% hospital transfer during labor
  • 4% primary cesarean rate
  • Average length of active labor for all deliveries 3h 14min

14.6% of clients transfer out of care prior to onset of labor due to maternal/pregnancy complications no longer appropriate for home delivery.


Midwife Interview Questions

Six Questions You Should Ask When Interviewing Midwives – and my answers.

Are you considering midwifery care? Trying to choose between several midwives? It’s an important decision, and there are many factors to consider to make an informed choice. Here are the top 6 questions I believe should be asked when interviewing a home birth midwife. Interested in learning more about my practice as a Licensed Midwife…

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